DONATE TO THE Jazz Composers Forum

Make A Difference
Please take a moment and reflect on the joys music has brought to you over the years, whether you were composing it, singing it, playing it or listening to it. You know music can change a moment -- it can also change a life. Please join us in our efforts as we continue to put in place those programs that will propel creators to the next level. Your generosity in both dollars and spirit will enable others to realize their dreams and will open doors for all of us.

When you choose to make a gift to The Jazz Composers Forum, you join a community of people who are dedicated to strengthening our mission. As a non-profit organization, public support is essential. Whether you give $15 or $25,000, every dollar helps to nurture the music talent of tomorrow, preserve the legacy of the past and sustain the creative incentive for today's jazz composers and bring before the young and old alike the most amazing music Made in America.....Jazz. 

Help to purchase the piano being provided by Dunhams Music House. Buy a key on the Yamaha piano for $267 each . You have listened to it  for 5 concerts now so you know how sweet it is. Dunhams wants a committment now .( Help us keep the piano for Sept 19th concert.) So the fundraising begins! The nonprofit tax deductible number will be here soon, so please donate any amount you can to help out.

$ 267.00 will purchase one  of the 88 keys. Any amount will be so helpful and so appreciated and you will be listed as donor forever unless of course you would like to remain anonymous. You can also help The Jazz Composers Forum by asking for  corporate and  business sponsor donations for we are a volunteer and nonprofit organization.Get involved and help raise the money needed for us to continue to bring you quality sound and happy jazz composers/musicians. Print the form below and mail the completed form along with a check made out to :

The Jazz Composers Forum
20 Pinecroft Rd.
Asheville, NC 28804

You will recieve a reciept by email. Thank you for your help in this very important matter.

The Jazz Composers Forum
Donation and Pledge Form

___Yes, I want to support the mission and objectives of The The Jazz Composers Forum. Please accept my donation of:





$267 pays for one key on the piano.




__ I have enclosed a check payable to The  Jazz Composers Forum

Name: ______________________________________________________________
Address: ______________________________________________________________
City: _________________State: ___________________Zip: _________________
Phone: ______________________________________________________________

__ My company will match my gift.

Please contact Sharon LaMotte, Director

Mail contribution to:
The Jazz Composers Forum
20 Pinecroft Rd.
Asheville, NC 28804